Travel Diaries

2021 started off with a bang! The universe presented an opportunity that needed to be seized. At the time, I was working at a job where the position was in the field but due to the pandemic, everything was virtual… which meant, I could work from ANYWHERE! So why not pack my bags and work remotely from the island of Oahu!?


I spent an entire month in Hawaii living that island lifestyle and lemme tell you, I was living! I was living this life that felt… unreal. I just wanted to soak in it as long as I could – literally. I was soaking in the Pacific Ocean at the end of every workday until the sunset thinking to myself “I can’t believe this is my life.” Price tags and calories did not matter to me. If I wanted it, I got it! Getting a taste of this lifestyle left me feeling empowered, how can this life be out of reach if I’m over here living it? Connecting with the Earth beneath me, I felt this spark return; the strength and imagination to see beyond my reality.


The islands are deeply healing and I’m forever grateful for my month in Oahu that kick started a transformational year.
