New Year, New Mood

What’s your new year energy?

I Wasn’t Expecting That!

Thursday, January 19th, 2023

2023 caught me by surprise!


I ended 2022 strong; I was in motion and the momentum was high! I took the last week of December off to just soak in all I had done the past year. I wanted to reflect on 2022 and cast my vision for the coming 12 months. But The Universe had other plans for me. A week wasn’t long enough so I was forced to rest for a bit longer.


I spent New Year’s Eve in the ER getting ready to have my appendix removed New Year’s morning. This was FAR from how I imagined bringing in 2023 - alone in a hospital bed with an IV hooked to my arm.


I find myself in a season I didn’t ask nor plan for, a season that forced me to slam on the brakes and although I’m recovering well, I’m still in the thick of it. I’m waiting for the clarity that comes at the end of all of this but right now, I’m just sitting in where I’m at. I’m being patient as the days and weeks pass, slowly feeling like myself again. I’m reminded of how resilient and adaptive I am as my physical capabilities return.


My power word this year is serenity. Maybe I don’t need to move with such urgency this year; maybe the way I applied pressure on myself to continue striving was unhealthy? May I feel calm with every step and peace in knowing I gave it my all as I wait in faith for the fruits of my labor.


What’s your power word this year? What energy do you want to carry throughout the next 12 months?  

The Verge of 30

Wednesday, June 1st, 2022

AHHHHH! I’m about to hit 30!!! Insert all the celebration emojis! Ya girl is fucking excited!


I had been talking with my parents for a while about what I should invest in. They’ve dabbled with plenty of investments and raised me to be financially free so I trust their advice. Although this wasn’t the advice received, the conversation planted the seed of curiosity and possibility.


At the beginning of June 2021, I was out on a walk and a brilliant idea had crossed my mind. Great ideas come to mind when I’m out and connected with nature. Instead of investing that money in something outside of me, I’m going to invest it in me instead - leave my 9-5 to grow my business. I almost brushed this thought off but decided to entertain it instead. I thought about the amount I was willing to invest outside of myself and now that I was talking about an investment that I was fully in control of, I was willing to increase the stakes.


I thought to myself “why not!?” I have the money, I have the time and what better way is there to begin my 30’s than with a big ass bang! I mean, it’s not like I’m getting married or having kids anytime soon.


My younger self is fucking proud. I’ve grown into someone who is courageous and confident in her choices and y’all, I’m ready to pop off this coming decade!

Cheers to 30!


 2022 Mood

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Tucked, putting in the work is my mood all 2022! I’ve got big goals for the upcoming years; goals that make me uncomfortable just thinking about. Since resigning from my full-time job to grow my business, I’m seeing that outside my comfort zone is where greater things lie. Yes, it’s scary and overwhelming at times but you know what’s scarier? Wondering “what if!”


How I spend my time and where I’m investing my energy looks so different than last year and the year before that. I’ve incorporated new habits that I never thought I would be doing. From tuning into my body with yoga to spending my free time reading books. If someone would have told me pre-pandemic that I would be reading books for fun, I never would have believed them!


I’m open to trying new things because I understand that what got me here isn’t what it’s going to take to get me to where I’m headed. It’s going to require more - a version of myself I have yet to meet.


What’s something you can try that brings you closer to the life you desire? You never know what you’ll unlock by simply trying